Leading on from the Malevich series I wanted to experiment with other works of art. I wanted to chose work that i thought might create some quite graphically bold images in return. with the exception of Warhol’s Monroe screen prints each of the works falls under this category of minimalism and you could argue that each has been heavily influenced by the work of Malevich. There was a element of me poking fun at the original works of art for not really saying much other than expressing shape and form. Manipulating each of these images exaggerates and twists the ideal forms that have been carefully crafted. Allowing photoshop to destroy this image has its own connotations, i find theses images really fascinating but i feel that one of the keys factors to this is my fascinations with the originals. As quite ironic pieces of postmodern work i think they work well but to really turn these into a series they need a little more thought and consideration.