I have been finding working with moving image in this very experimental way particularly interesting. Despite this i feel that i quite quickly abandoned the still image work i was creating and had a few more ideas that i wanted to put to use.  I felt that some of the sourced imagery that i been working was leading to these really strong graphic pieces of work. In a separate series, where i had been capturing rolling banner’s from 24 hour news networks from around the world, i had collected quite a wide range of imagery. I loaded all the filed into a large photoshop and rearranged them. Even before mixing together all the images you could begin to see this blend of text, language, shape and colour. Once all the layers had been intertwined with each other this image was presented.  

The results was this perplexing mess of headlines that represented an idea of there being too much happening in our worlds at anyone time for any organisation to report on. As an audience we become lost with the lines of confused text. The bold visual impact of this piece strengthens this sense of the rapid world we live in. The idea of us being more connected than we have ever been before yet some how more alone then ever.  We live in a world where news can travel from Wellington, New Zealand to London, UK in a split second yet we might not even know the names our neighbours

I find this image really fascinating to look at but it has become very separated from a traditional idea of photography. I want to continue to work with aspects of the media as well as our globalised world. I feel that this will begin to tie together some of the themes that working with these techniques automatically create.