I have started to experiment with my own photographs, re-appropriating them using some of my own photography instead of images sourced from the internet. I wanted to continue playing with elements of the surreal but begin to weave together aspects of the sublime create something more aesthetically pleasant. The early experimentation in this project really challenged the eye and even though these images are perplexing there is more of an enthralling quality. Even though I was using my own imagery this was more of an exercise of image making. There wasn't really a theme linking each piece, instead I wanted to uses the techniques try and create something quite organic. There is a strange blend in the work between the true image and the repetition that creates these convoluting patterns. I really like how this images are working but  need to try and find a way to make the series work together. To progress this forward I plan to involve some of my photographs from Japan. I feel that the strange complexities created in the work will reflect the overwhelming visual experience I had during my time in Japan.