Jason Evans

Evans takes unconventional in his approaches of photography. Firstly i wanted to mention his website http://www.thedailynice.com/ in which he displayed a single photograph over 24 hours. Once the 24 hours is up then the photograph disappears and a new one replaces it. I feel the work asks questions surrounding way we see images in our digital age.  This idea of the photograph being this object that instills time is shattered and replaced with its contemporary equivalent, a website that fails to record its own actions. 

In Evan’s NYLTP, the photographer has visited the worlds major cultural hubs, NEW YORK LONDON TOKYO PARIS and shot the same film three or four times. What this has created is the amassed, entangled portrait of a city. These complex intertwined compositions of object and shape reflect the overwhelming sensations that are common place in these mega cities. In urban life we are confronted with multiple formidable issues all at the same time and the overlaid photographs begin to reflect a rapid pace of life. In Evans work he confronts this ideology of the Cartier Bresson’s ‘decisive moment’, When overlaying images this moment hides away between the layers of the convoluting imagery.